The walk up Parlick and then on up to the top of Fair Snape Fell is considered one of the finest in The Forest Of Bowland, Lancashire. Having walked up there a few times this year I must say I agree. The views are stunning and expansive. And I have never found it really busy so you can enjoy escapism in the Lancashire fresh air up there a lot of the time.

It is a great way to get two peaks done in one and if going up and down the same way there is no need to have a full day free either. Many a time I have drove to climb up here on a whim at mid afternoon.
Parking and start point
I find the best place to park is at the eastern end of Startifants Lane near Chipping. There are a few spaces here so if not full you don’t have to walk up from the village itself.
From here you cannot miss the slopes of Parlick up the hill. Follow the lane up to Saddle End Farm and you pass through a gate straight onto the footpath up.
The first part up Parlick
To go straight up Parlick is quite steep for some walkers so pace yourself and take the time to stop, get a breather and take a look back. The views start to open up extremely quickly.

The what now looks like a tiny hill with trees on, that is nearest is the popular Beacon Fell. From over there you get great views looking across to this hill too. Beyond that you can see the Fylde coast, Preston and beyond.
The other way more eastward you can see, across the Ribble Valley, the unmistakable tops of Longridge Fell leading over to Pendle Hill.

At the top of Parlick you can see the whole expanse. A great spot to sit and look out over it all. In fact for views, Parlick is one of the best spots in Lancashire. Even though Fair Snape Fell is higher it is Parlick that I feel gives more in this respect. However, getting Fair Snape Fell beyond has its own rewards.
The best mile in Lancashire
The wide ridge from the summit of Parlick to the summit of Fair Snape Fell you will often hear called ‘the loveliest mile in Lancashire’. It was this that encouraged me to explore the area more. This quote I must admit does fit and is true, especially when doing the reverse, from Fair Snape heading down to Parlick. It is amazing for the senses.

Look at the photo above here. Behind Malc you can see Parlick summit and the ridge with the path on leading gently down. The view is enormous! The green valleys and hills around help you feel like you can see the whole county as you walk along. The colours, the fresh air and the hills and peaks for miles. The steeper path up Parlick has long gone and you can wander the tops here and enjoy.
Looking the other way you can see Fair Snape Fell summit ahead all the way.

At The Summit
As you get to the top you feel the ground beneath turn to peat and quite often the breeze has become a stronger wind to freshen your face. Again a chance to take in the views and even more so over to the Lancashire coastline, Morecambe Bay and even over to the Lake District fells of Cumbria.

As I said I have found myself up here a lot this year. It has been a local spot I could go to and climb quickly for some escapism. I enjoy the place so much I have found myself wild camping on the top to get away from it all. More on that in an upcoming post.
Yes sunsets are amazing up here, as are early morning cloud inversions.

Back down the bottom and driving away I look back in the wing mirror and see the unmistakable tops of both Parlick and fair Snape Fell.

I whisper to myself. See you both again soon.