Newfoundland – The Manuels River Trail 1

I decided one day last summer that it was a good day for me to explore The Manuels River Trail.  I had heard about this trail and was anxious to see it for myself.  But first, I had to find it!  Thanks to a quick Internet search and the wonderful technology of GPS, I discovered it was a 30 minute drive outside of the city of St John’s.  The drive was very relaxing as I traveled through one small section of the picturesque province of Newfoundland.

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I arrived at the Interpretation center and within a few minutes; I was armed with a trail map and some interesting tips on what to explore.  I decided that I would only do half of the trail, which gives me a perfect excuse to return for another hike.

I walked through the meandering trail along the downstream section.  The water danced over the rocks and it went around the bends, as it traveled to its destination.  The beautiful river has carved out its path over the years while its shoreline is framed with the greenery nature has to offer.

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The path I decided to take was about a 45 minute trek.  The trail was not challenging.  It was more like a nice walk in the woods with gorgeous sights around every turn. The trees majestically captured the light as their branches reached out to soak up the sun’s rays, while the river danced along side of me.

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The trail branched off in several directions.  I had the map and still lost my way.  🙂  But, all trails lead somewhere; and in no time, I was back on the main trail.  But, by going off the beaten trail, it allowed me to see some of the hidden sections of the trail.

There was no shortage of things to photograph.  There were flowers and insects everywhere.  I wish I had of taken my macro lens!

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The trail followed the gorge until I reached Bubble Pond.  It was a very calm day, so its surface was still.  The bouncing reflections only added to the beauty of the area.

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It was then the trail ended at the beach front of Worsley Park.  The North Atlantic’s waves bounced off the nearby rocks as I sat down to admire the views.  I lost myself as I looked around at nature’s beauty.  The fresh ocean air and the melodic sounds of the waves relaxed me as I became lost in the view.

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