Delicious Rhubarb and Custard Cake recipe
5.0 from 13 votes

It’s prime time for harvesting your bumper crop of Rhubarb and what better way to eat it than in a cake 

This Rhubarb and custard cake is a fruity, creamy treat that everyone will love – it’s gooey and moist and so full of taste. It contains one of your five a day so it’s definitely a healthy cake option.

Interesting facts about Rhubarb

Did you know that Rhubarb is actually, apparently classified as a vegetable as it isn’t seed bearing, like a fruit, and it has roots, leaves and a stem. 

Rhubarb is known for its medicinal properties and is apparently very good for your digestive system 

The word Rhubarb comes from the Latin word Rhabarbarum which means “root of the barbarians”. The Romans apparently called anyone who ate rhubarb barbarians! 

sandwich custard cake

To know if your Rhubarb is ready to pick, look for the colour of the stalks. The darker the red stalk, the sweeter it will be.

Rhubarb can be used as a dye and it has even been used to knit sweaters from its fibres !!

You must be very careful not to eat Rhubarb leaves as these are poisonous to animals and humans. 

rhubarb cake served

N.b This recipe can be made easily and simply by using a tin/pot of ready made custard and a jar of rhubarb compote but can also be made with homemade custard and homemade stewed rhubarb. If using your own stewed rhubarb it will need to be sieved before placing in the cake as too much juice will make your cakes too soggy.


2 x 8″ Sandwich Tins – greased and lined 

Devilishly Delicious Rhubarb and Custard Cake

Devilishly Delicious Rhubarb and Custard Cake

Recipe by Sally Laker
5.0 from 13 votes

This Rhubarb and custard cake is a fruity, creamy treat that everyone will love – it’s gooey and moist and so full of taste. It contains one of your five a day

Course: DessertCuisine: BritishDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 8 oz Self Raising Flour

  • 8 oz Caster Sugar

  • 8 oz Butter

  • 4 Eggs

  • 1/3 Tin of Custard – around 130g ( or a ready made small pot of custard or hand made custard )

  • 1 jar of Rhubarb Compote ( or a portion of freshly made stewed rhubarb)

  • 1 Tbsp Demerara Sugar

  • Icing Sugar to decorate 


  • Place your sugar and butter in a bowl and mix together until fluffy.
  • Add the egg and mix together until blended.
  • Sieve the flour and fold in. 
  • Pour in the custard a little at a time and blend in
  • Put half of the mixture in each sandwich tin
  • Gently spread a small amount of the rhubarb compote on the top of the mixture in each tin, then sprinkle the tops of the cakes with the demerara sugarrhubarb and custard cake ready for baking
  • Put in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees or 160 degrees for a fan oven, for about 30-35 minutes until fully cooked ( use a cake skewer to check if the cakes are done- it should come out clean when the cakes are fully cooked) 
  • Remove from the oven and leave to cool a little
  • Gently remove the cakes from the tins and put them on a cooling rack for a while until set 
  • Put one cake on your chosen cake plate upside down, then cover the top with a thin layer of rhubarb compote. Sandwich the other cake on top of this the right side up 
  • Sieve icing sugar onto the top and serve

Delicious served warm or cold.

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